Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Edge Retires

The only meaningful event that happened on RAW last night was that Edge, also known as Adam Copeland, announced his retirement from the World Wrestling Entertainment. At first I thought, as I am sure many of you did, was that this was just part of a storyline and he wasn't really retiring. Then I looked on wrestlezone.com and they say it is 100% true. Very shocking news.

Although we shouldn't have been surprised by the announcement. For many weeks before Wrestlemania it had been reported that Edge was leaning towards retirement. It is very sad to see a great superstar call it quits. Whether you loved Edge or hated him, you can say that Edge gave you everything he had night in and night out and put on one hell of a show. It is hard to imagine that a guy breaking into the business as a vampire and being part of the Brood would become an eleven time world heavyweight champion. But that may not be what Edge will be known for when people look back on his career. What I remember most when I think of Edge is him being part of what might be the best tag team ever. Teaming up with his best friend Jason Reso, also known as Christian, they captured the tag team championship seven different times. Making many historical moments along the way.

Who will ever forget the very first Tables, Ladders and Chairs match at SummerSlam 2000. The match has become infamous with the tag teams of Edge and Christian, the Hardys and the Dudleys. Edge and Christian would not only amaze fans with their in ring ability but would show fans their comical side with their five second pose. For those with the benefit of flash photography.

Besides being a famous tag team wrestler, Edge captured many single titles. In 2001 Edge's single career started taking off. He won the 2001 King of the Ring and captured the Intercontinental Title. Edge would go on to hold the Intercontinental Title many times and capture the United States title as well. Edge was drafted by Smackdown in the first ever WWE Lottery. Upon arriving he began a feud with Kurt Angle. Edge and Angle had some great matches and funny moments. The feud ended in a hair vs hair match with Edge winning. In April of 2004, Edge captured another Intercontinental Title but was stripped of the title due to an injury.

Upon his return Edge went from fan favorite to heel. Edge wanted to be World Heavyweight Champion. But when the fans chose Shawn Michaels as HHH opponent on Taboo Tuesday Edge took it upon himself to interfer and cost Michaels the match. Michaels would get his payback a year later as Edge competed in the very first Elimination Chamber match and was the first superstar to ever be eliminated when Michaels, acting as a special referee, superkicked Edge allowing him to be pinned. The two would battle at the 2005 Royal Rumble with Edge gaining the victory.

Edge became the first ever winner of the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania 21. In 2006 New Year's Revolution, John Cena won the Elimination Chamber but didn't leave with the title as Edge would cash in his money in the bank briefcase and defeat Cena to gain his first WWE world heavyweight title. Edge would only remain champion for three weeks as he would lose the belt back to Cena at the Royal Rumble.

Edge would go on to capture the World Title eleven different times feuding with Cena, The Undertaker, HHH, Kane and the list goes on an on. Edge will be one of the wrestlers that will be sorely missed. He has had a phenomenal career and will be a WWE Hall of Famer. It is good to see that Edge is going out on top after winning his Wrestlemania match vs Alberto Del Rio.

Good Bye Edge.

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